jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Post 2: My Holidayssss

The best vacation of my life was last year in Pichilemu, when we went to the beach with my group of school friends. We raised money for month, working the countryside, in supermarkets, even nannies so we could lease a cabin by the sea. We were there for seven days and the true is we didn't want to go back to our houses. As we were ten friends, each had one task assigned: cooking, washing dishes, clean the rooms, cleaning the bath, among others.
In the mornings we liked to get up early to go to the beach for a walk, then we have luch in the center of the city and afternoons we would go to craft fairs and finally in the evening we went out to the parties that had on the beach.
I feel like it was the best holidays because we were all together and it was the last time we met before we went back to university.
I hope this summer can repeat that unforgettable adventure.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019

First Post jiji

  1. I’m a fan of social media, my favorite is Instagram for the diversity of content I can find. I think that social networks are a very powerful tool that serves as a means of entertaining, but also to generate change and share informative content. The only problem is that many people have acsess to at your personal information and we must be careful with what we want others to see. For example I  wouldn`t publish my adress or places often go.

My recomedation is not find all the information in internet because we do not know who is behind of screen.