jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Antes de morirrrr

This is my Bucket list:

- Some of the things I already archived were falling in love, meeting my favorite journalists for example Mónica Rincón and Paula Molina and travelling with my friends to another country because in 2017 we went to Brazil with my schoolmates and this summer I´m going to Peru with my best friends. 

- I´d like travel to Italy and know the palace of Versalles
- I hope I can meet at my favorite writer and have enough money to go to a Maroon 5 concert 
- When I was a little girl I really liked a band called Big Time Rush and I felt like my life could end without this married with one of them, but now I think that never want to get married.

- I want to study Law and History in other country because I feel that is necessary know others perspectives. 

- I´d like learn to weave and dance because the true is that I´m a disaster.

-  I would have liked to meet Gabriel García Márquez and Marilyn Monroe but that is impossible :(

- I wish to write a book about my life and adventures and others about my journalistic findings

- My biggest dream is to be successful person I so be proud and reward my parents.

- I´d like to go Lollapalooza.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Post 6

I like to expand my knowledge so in a couple of years I want to do a master in social communication and then if possible a doctorate in Spain because in this country the journalism is focused on the area that I like is television. 

I´d like to do these postgraduates because the world of communications needs to grow every day and for that is it essential to work on constant research into national and international realities. 

I´m one of the people who prefers learn from a classroom with teachers than through the internet where there ae many distractions. I feel like I´m willing to make any sacrifice so I can grow as a professional.

Of the subjects included in the magister I like investigative journalism because it is a very useful tool to perfect to writing and that´s an advantage if in the future I want to do big reports, interviews or publish a book for example.

Teachers are also an important part of my decision and the reason are like some the postgrads because many of their amazing journalists and is my dream that my name is just as important. 

The only sad thing about all this is that in Chile it is very difficult to access at the education because is very expensive.